Air Fibre

Top-Quality Wireless Broadband

Radwin Equipment

Air Fibre is next generation technology developed to supply customers with a fibre like wireless connection that is just as reliable, stable and fast as what fibre is providing.

Air Fibre is quick to install, does not get stolen or broken and can supply internet services over great distances.

Air Fibre is designed in such a way that it cannot be oversold or congested, making it even superior or fibre services.

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Best-In-Class Interference Immunity

Best-In-Class Interference Immunity

A narrow antenna beam provides best 3rd party radio interference between adjacent sectors and nearby cells.

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Built to Last

Built to Last

RADWIN manufacturers ruggedized carrier-grade equipment to endure harsh weather conditions and last longer. This cuts costs of ongoing replacements and reduces maintenance calls.

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Fiber-Like Experience

Fiber-Like Experience

JET Bi-BeamTM delivers highest broadband capacity with the best user experience, in a way that was once only possible when using fiber.

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Do More With Less Infrastructure

Do More With Less Infrastructure

JET enables service providers to cover a wider area with fewer base stations, towers and backhaul to save on infrastructure costs and maintenance.

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SLA and Best Effort

SLA and Best Effort

JET handles both strict SLA and best-effort, servicing both enterprises and consumers for reduced investment and greater operational flexibility.

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